Rock the Plank!

Take some time out of your Tuesday to see how long you can sustain a plank hold with good form.  Make sure your hips are parallel with the ground and you’re taking deep breaths in and out as you hold the position.  Write down your time and make it your goal to improve on it little by little.  If you can hold it for 30 seconds today, make it your goal to improve to 32 seconds tomorrow.  With a two second increase each day, you’re looking at adding almost 30 more seconds to your plank by the end of the month.  Good luck rocking the plank!

Try a New Exercise

Whether you’re in the gym or at home, pick a new exercise to try today.  Email or visit and search a particular muscle group for new ideas.

All too often, we get in the habit of doing the same type of exercises over and over.  Switching it up is the best way to steer clear of a plateau.  Try something new today to avoid slowing down your progress.

Unfortunately, for my Steeler Nation family, I don’t have any good exercises for a broken heart.  Get up and get moving today…there’s always next year?

Smart Super Bowl Snacks!

As you get ready to cheer the Steelers on tonight, substitute greek yogurt in your party dip recipes that call for sour cream or mayonnaise.  You’ll be surprised at what little a difference it makes in taste.  In addition, remember to wave your terrible towel during every Steelers touchdown to burn as many calories as possible on game day!  HERE WE GOOOOO STEELERS!!!!!!!

The Art of Preparation

Take the time to write a grocery list today.  When you go to the store, purchase only what you’ve written on the list.  This will not only keep you from spending extra in the store, it will stop you from picking up the junk you don’t need.  Preparing for the coming week can be the first step to healthy eating.  Going into each week with a reasonable plan makes it easier to stay on track.  Experience the art of preparation.  It goes a really long way!  

Try a New Healthy Recipe

As the start of another cold weekend rolls around, make the most out of your winter hibernation.  Try making a new healthy recipe as a family, couple, or small group of friends.  We’re all sick of risking our lives on this ice.  Find a recipe, hit the grocery store on the way home from work, and stay in!  Judging by the picture above, cooking just might be the time of your life.  Who knew cracking an egg could be so fun?!
Not sure where to look for recipe ideas?  Yesterday, someone shared with me,  For as little as $5 per month e-mealz provides you with a personalized weekly meal plan and grocery list.  It has plenty of fresh and healthy recipes for its members to try.  Also, remember to check out Food Network’s website if you’re looking for free healthy recipe ideas!  
Now take one more look at that classy couple pictured above.  That could be you and yours this Friday night!  Bon appetit!

Crunch Time…

…and no I’m not talking about the Cap’n!  Take time out of your day to do 100 crunches.  They don’t have to be done all at once.  It could be two sets of 50, four sets of 25, or even ten sets of ten.  Just take the time to do some physical activity that may have not gotten done otherwise.  This will take less than five minutes out of your day, SO DO IT!!!

Sleep Tight…

Get a full 8 hours of sleep tonight.  We often overlook the benefits of sound sleep.  Among other things, a good sleep schedule can help us:
  • Control our weight
  • Reduce our stress
  • Improve our memory
  • Increase our energy levels
  • Improve our heart health

Promise yourself a full 8 hours tonight and experience the difference in the morning.  Sleep tight!

Set a Goal

Set an attainable goal today.  Make sure it can be reached by the end of February.  Whether it be to lose four pounds or be able to complete a single pushup, make it something you can reach by the end of the month.  Hold yourself to it, it’s only four weeks!  You’ll be surprised how sweet the feeling of success can be.  Even if it’s something small, reaching your goals creates the motivation it takes to stay accountable.
Without a “smart” goal in mind it is easy to veer away from your healthy habits and routine.  Refer to the checklist pictured above to make sure your goal is realistic.  Write your goal down and we’ll check back in 28 days to see if you achieved what you’re setting out to do today.  Good luck!