Tighten Up Your Thighs and Butt!



40 Squats w/ Side Kick

30 Single Leg Heel Raises

20 Curtsy Squats w/ Regular Squat Between Reps

10 Single Leg Romanian Dead Lifts (each leg)

40 Reverse Lunges w/ Back Kick

30 Squat Jacks

20 Side Bridges w/ Hip Abduction

10 Glute Bridges

Repeat the entire circuit 2-3x in 30 minutes.

Fit Legs Challenge



Complete the Napoletan Fitness Fit Legs Challenge!

100 Dumbbell Squats

90 Jumps w/ Jump Rope

80 Standing Hip Abductions (40 each leg) with heavy band

70 Reverse Lunges (35 each leg)

60 Jumping Jacks

50 Hip Rotations or “Fire Hydrants” on hands and knees (25 each leg)

40 Standing Hip Adductions (20 each leg) with heavy band

30 Dumbbell Deadlifts

20 Squat Jumps

10 Leg Curls with human resistance (sub heavy straight leg deadlifts if you don’t have a workout partner)

Calorie Burning Circuit

Complete the circuit below by performing each exercise for 45 seconds and taking 15 seconds of rest before you start the next…

Plyometric Pushups

High Knees

Reverse Flies

Mountain Climbers

Lateral Raises

Burpee Jacks

Plank Rows

Playground Challenge

15 Box Jumps (onto picnic bench)

15 Plyo Pushups (on picnic bench)

15 Chin Ups (underhand)

15 Hanging Triceps Dips (bench dips if bars are unavailable)

15 Leg Lifts (on picnic bench)

Complete this circuit four times and finish with a 400m run.  Push to finish everything in less than 30 minutes.  Want an extra challenge?  Beat the trainer’s time of 28:07!

Total Body Circuit Challenge

Try to complete this total body circuit four times in 30 minutes

15 Straight Leg Dead Lifts w/ Upright Row

15 Squat Presses

25 Full Sit-Ups

25 Wide Pushups

20 Burpees

10 Minute Circuit

Try this workout at home or in the gym.  It only takes 10 minutes and it’s sure to burn some calories and work your upper body.

5 Dumbbell Shoulder Presses (10-25lbs)

10 Pushups

15 Bicycle Crunches Each Side

Repeat this circuit every minute on the minute for 10 minutes straight.  If you get behind just continue to complete the circuits until you’ve finished all ten.  Good luck!


Try to complete 25 of each exercise followed by 20 of each and then 15 of each in under 15 minutes.  Athletes shoot for under 12 minutes.  Good luck!




Lower Body Challenge


Complete this 6 exercise circuit as many times as possible in 30 minutes.  All you will need is a kettlebell of moderate weight and a heavy resistance band.

25 Kettlebell Swings

10 Forward & Back Bodyweight Lunges on Each Leg

25 Bodyweight Squat Jumps

15 Side Steps with Resistance Band on Each Leg

15 Burpee Jacks

25 Sumo Squats with Kettlebell

Beginners should use lighter weights and shoot to make it through the circuit two to three full times.  Intermediate lifters should shoot to make it through this entire circuit three to four times with a heavier weight.  Advanced athletes should challenge themselves to complete five full circuits in thirty minutes or less.  Good luck!