Don’t get too jealous, the medal is from Joe’s first half marathon, not the plank competition! However, after tying with Lisa Jones for a four minute plank, Joe Adams took the title for longest plank with a 6 minute and 34 second tiebreaker!! Congratulations, Joe, on the longest plank hold out of all of Napoletan Fitness’ participating clientele. You held your plank longer than over 20 people and earned yourself a free one hour massage from Massage on the Rocks in Westerville.
Congratulations to Lisa Jones for a valiant effort and a second attempt time of 5 minutes and 5 seconds! Other honorable mentions go to Cheryl Brown, Maggie Anderson, Wendy Satkowiak, and Caryn Coomer for holding planks longer than three and a half minutes. Great job to everyone who participated and did their best!! Keep practicing!