Stability Ball Abs Finisher

stability ball

Add this 7-minute abs finisher to the end of your workout!  Use a stability ball for each exercise and complete each exercise for a minute.

Reverse Crunches



Alternating Side Crunches on Ball

Regular Crunches on Ball

Half Bicycle Crunch (60sec each side)

Upper Body Accumulator


Here’s a 20 minute accumulator workout!  Follow napoletanj on Instagram for video instructions…

1-12 Superman Plank with Accumulating Pushups

1-12 Stability Ball Pushup with Accumulating Roll-ins

1-12 Burpee with Accumulating Plank-ups

1-12 Sit-up with Accumulating Russian Twists

Dice Fitness


Roll a die and do 25 reps of the matching exercise.  Roll it again and do 24 reps of the matching exercise.  Continue this pattern until you get down to one repetition.  See the exercises for each number below!

1 – Squats

2 – Close Hands Pushups

3 – Mountain Climbers

4 – Leg Lifts with Hip Raise

5 – Lunge Jumps

6 – Plyo-Pushups

Legs & Steps


Complete 100ft of each exercise below and run 100 stairs in between each…

Walking Lunges with High Knee and Kickback

Traveling Kick Squats

Walking Reverse Lunges

Long Jump Burpees

Farmer’s Carry

Lower Body Eliminator


Complete 60 seconds of each exercise.  Take the last exercise away after each circuit until you’re left with only one minute of your first exercise.

Dead Lifts

Walking Lunges

Romanian Dead Lifts

Reverse Crunches

Plank Jacks

Dumbbell Squats

Scissor Kicks

21, 15, 9 Upper Body

t push

Break this down into two-exercise supersets.  Go through each superset performing 21 reps of each exercise, followed by 15 reps and then 9.  Take a one to two minute break and do the same for the second superset.

T-Pushups & Walkouts with Shoulder Taps

Diamond Pushups & Plank-ups

For demonstrations of these exercises follow “napoletanj” on Instagram.

1500 Reps is Back!


Complete the following anyway you can.  For a bonus, try to finish in 45 minutes or less!

500 Hovering Kickbacks (250ea)

400 Knee Dips (200ea)

300 Squat Jumps

200 Side Kicks

100 Burpees

:30 :30 :30



Go through each of these exercises performing 30 seconds of the full range of motion followed by 30 seconds of pulsing and 30 seconds of a static hold.  Once you’ve made it through the circuit take a short rest and repeat the whole thing for a 30 minute workout.

Dumbbell Curls

Narrow Pushups

Shoulder Presses

Reverse Curls


Upright Rows

Triceps Kickbacks

Leg Lifts/Flutter Kicks/Hollow Hold

12 Days of Christmas 2017!


This 12 Days of Christmas workout will leave you wishing your true love would’ve gotten you a partridge in a pear tree!  Go through these exercises to the tune of the “12 Days of Christmas” song.  Start with day one and repeat each day as you go!

1 Round of Steps

2 Kneelers

3 Plyo Push-ups

4 Lunge Jumps

5 Hovering Snow Angels

6 Triceps Dips

7 Pike Pushups

8 Curtsy Squats

9 Incline Push-ups

10 Reverse Lunges w/ High Skip

11 Half Sit-ups

12 Plank Toe Taps

Shoulders Day!


Complete 4 sets of 10 of each of these tri-sets.

Plank-Ups/Plank Jacks/Mountain Climbers

Underhand Lateral Raises/Front Raises/Cross Body Front Raises

Shoulder Presses/Staggered Push-Ups/Burpees

Upright Rows/Overhead Shrugs/Reverse Flies