The Importance of Body Fat Percentage

Everybody talks about BMI, but the truth is, your body fat percentage is a better measurement of overall health.  Keeping your body fat percentage between “athletic” and “healthy”, as shown in the chart above, should be at the forefront of your fitness goals.  A good body fat percentage makes for less of a chance to develop problems such as high blood pressure and type two diabetes.

Whether male or female, the best way to lower your body fat percentage is by gaining muscle.  A consistent strength training program that includes weight and resistance training is the best way to achieve a lower body fat percentage.  Proper diet plays a role in body fat as well.  Naturally, the less junk you eat, the better your chance at lowering your body fat percentage.

Focus on building some strength this month.  Use free weights and body weight exercises to get stronger and build more muscle.  If you are a member of a gym have your body fat percentage tested now and then again in 4-6 weeks.  If you’ve made the proper changes in your workout routine and diet you should see your body fat drop between one and two percent.  It may seem like a slow moving number, but you’ll love the way you look and feel six months from now if you can keep it up!