Taking Responsibility

“You are the only person in existence who can use your potential.  It is an awesome responsibility.” – Zig Ziglar
As easy as it is to come up with excuses as to why things aren’t going your way, keep in mind the insightful words above as you set out to reach your health and fitness goals in 2011.  Good intentions can only get you so far, but you always get back the effort that you put in.
As we approach the end of the quarter recognize your responsibility and stay consistent.  Make your time at the gym worthwhile and continue to make positive changes to your diet.  Now is the time to work harder than ever.  Results remain the best motivator, so keep battling to reach the goals you’ve set out to achieve.  Don’t become a first quarter statistic who has already abandoned their New Year’s resolutions.  Take responsibility for what you’ve set out to accomplish.  Take responsibility to use your full potential.
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