Christmas Break Workout

All you need for this workout is this photo, a kettlebell or dumbbell, and a deck of cards.

Complete 10 burpees to get into the game.  Guess whether the first card in the deck is red or black.  If you guessed correctly move onto goblet squats (the next exercise on the tree).  If your guess was wrong repeat the burpees before starting the process over.  See how far down the tree you can get in 30-60 minutes.  If you get all the way down the tree complete as many rounds as possible of the abs exercises in the trunk of the tree with the remainder of your time.

Legs & Steps


Complete 100ft of each exercise below and run 100 stairs in between each…

Walking Lunges with High Knee and Kickback

Traveling Kick Squats

Walking Reverse Lunges

Long Jump Burpees

Farmer’s Carry

Lower Body Eliminator


Complete 60 seconds of each exercise.  Take the last exercise away after each circuit until you’re left with only one minute of your first exercise.

Dead Lifts

Walking Lunges

Romanian Dead Lifts

Reverse Crunches

Plank Jacks

Dumbbell Squats

Scissor Kicks

1500 Reps is Back!


Complete the following anyway you can.  For a bonus, try to finish in 45 minutes or less!

500 Hovering Kickbacks (250ea)

400 Knee Dips (200ea)

300 Squat Jumps

200 Side Kicks

100 Burpees

Tabata Legs


All you need for this workout is a timer and legs!  Complete 8 rounds of each exercise below performing 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for each round.  This style of workout is known as Tabata and it’s a lot tougher than it sounds.  Good luck!

Sumo Squats on your Toes

Squat Jumps

Reverse Lunge w/ Front Kick

Box or Step Jump

Pulsing Kickbacks on all Fours

Deep Squats

Legs & Abs Pyramid


10 Burpees

20 Jumping Jacks w/ Kettlebell Press

30 Resistance Band Kickbacks

40 Bulgarian Split Squats (20/side)

50 High Knees

60 Weighted Pelvic Tilts

70 Goblet Squats

80 Resistance Band Walking Hip Abduction

90 Second One-Legged Plank (45s/side)

100 Crunches

For a demo of this workout follow napoletanj on Instagram!

500 Reps

tire flip

Complete 10 reps of each exercise in this circuit and then repeat the circuit for a total of 5 rounds.

Jumping Jacks

Dumbbell Squats

Renegade Rows

Half Sit-Ups

Weighted Step-Ups

Single Leg Squats

Reverse Flies

Walking Lunges

Leg Lifts

Tire Flips (Sub dead lifts if you don’t have tire access)

Women use 10-20 pound dumbbells.

Men use 15-25 pound dumbbells.

To see a video demo of this workout follow napoletanj on Instagram.

Plyometric Legs Circuit

mr. t

Complete this circuit 3 times performing 60 seconds of each exercise.  Take a 2 minute break between circuits.

Prisoner Lunges

Squat Jumps

Side Kicks

Long Jumps


Lunge Jumps

Sumo Squats

5 Round Leg Day

leg day


Complete 5 rounds of the circuit below.  Repetitions increase for each round as follows: 4,8,16,32,64.






Legs and Shoulders Spectacular!



If you came to this site expecting to find a workout that your body would actually describe as “spectacular”, you’re a….SUUCCKKERR!!  But now that you’re here you should totally try this workout.  You will need a set of dumbbells or a barbell and a kettlebell to do everything.  Your weights should be heavy enough to make each exercise challenging but doable.

3 sets of 12 Clean & Presses

60 seconds of Kettlebell Swings

60 seconds of Squat Jacks with a Press

4 sets of 8 Dead Lifts with a Shoulder Shrug

2 sets of 12 Lunges on each Leg

4 sets of 8 One Arm Snatches

5×5 force set of Sumo Squat with a One Arm High Pull

Complete each line of the above workout with minimal rest before moving onto the next.  Above all, have fun!  And clear your schedule for the next two days because if you’ve used the right weight with this workout you’re going to feel it!