7 Minute Abs

Add this 7 minute abs finisher to the end of your workout!  Complete 60 seconds of each exercise below.

Single Cross Body Leg Lift (60 sec each side)

Seated Flutter Kicks

Long Arm Crunches

Windshield Wipers

Weighted Reverse Crunch


Core Workout

Here’s a quick 20 minute core workout you can do without any equipment at home or in the gym.  Complete as many rounds of each circuit as possible in 6 minutes.

20 High Knees/8 Walkouts/20 Toe Touch Crunches

20 Mountain Climbers/8 Rounds of Plank Side Steps/20 Side Bridges

20 Jumping Jacks/8 Hollow Hold Leg Circles/20 Leg Lifts w/ Hip Raise

For demos of these exercises follow “napoletanj” on Instagram!

Boxing Circuit

heavy bag

Complete this 7 minute circuit 3-5 times for a great total body workout!

1 minute jump rope

3 minute heavy bag freestyle

1 minute pushups

1 minute situps

1 minute rest

Stability Ball Abs Finisher

stability ball

Add this 7-minute abs finisher to the end of your workout!  Use a stability ball for each exercise and complete each exercise for a minute.

Reverse Crunches



Alternating Side Crunches on Ball

Regular Crunches on Ball

Half Bicycle Crunch (60sec each side)

Upper Body Accumulator


Here’s a 20 minute accumulator workout!  Follow napoletanj on Instagram for video instructions…

1-12 Superman Plank with Accumulating Pushups

1-12 Stability Ball Pushup with Accumulating Roll-ins

1-12 Burpee with Accumulating Plank-ups

1-12 Sit-up with Accumulating Russian Twists

Lower Body Eliminator


Complete 60 seconds of each exercise.  Take the last exercise away after each circuit until you’re left with only one minute of your first exercise.

Dead Lifts

Walking Lunges

Romanian Dead Lifts

Reverse Crunches

Plank Jacks

Dumbbell Squats

Scissor Kicks

21, 15, 9 Upper Body

t push

Break this down into two-exercise supersets.  Go through each superset performing 21 reps of each exercise, followed by 15 reps and then 9.  Take a one to two minute break and do the same for the second superset.

T-Pushups & Walkouts with Shoulder Taps

Diamond Pushups & Plank-ups

For demonstrations of these exercises follow “napoletanj” on Instagram.

Quick Abs & Cardio Routine


This 30 minute workout is an abs burner that keeps your heart rate up!  Start with 2 minutes of jump rope followed by a minute of abs.  You’ll do this for 10 sets changing your abs exercise up each round.  Below are the abs exercises…

Half Sit-ups

Hip Raises

Lying Side Crunches

Toe Touch Crunches

Reverse Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

All-in Crunches

Leg Lifts

Russian Twists


Legs & Abs Pyramid


10 Burpees

20 Jumping Jacks w/ Kettlebell Press

30 Resistance Band Kickbacks

40 Bulgarian Split Squats (20/side)

50 High Knees

60 Weighted Pelvic Tilts

70 Goblet Squats

80 Resistance Band Walking Hip Abduction

90 Second One-Legged Plank (45s/side)

100 Crunches

For a demo of this workout follow napoletanj on Instagram!

Home Chest & Abs Workout


All you need for this workout is a moderate set of dumbbells and a stability ball.  Get a great chest pump in less than 30 minutes and top it all off with a stability ball abs circuit!

You’re going to do 5 sets of this circuit changing the duration of your cardio by 10 seconds each round…

5 Wide Pushups

5 Regular Pushups

5 Close Pushups

5 Plyo Pushups

Cardio: Sprint in Place (:10/:20/:30/:20/:10)

Once you’ve made it through the circuit above 5 times take a short rest and do the same for the circuit below…

5 Wide Chest Press

5 Regular Chest Press

5 Incline Chest Press

5 Chest Flies

Cardio: Plank Jacks (:10/:20/:30/:20/:10)

Finish this all off with 3 different plank variations on the stability ball.  Hold each variation for 30 seconds before moving to the next.  After you’ve finished all 3 take a small rest and repeat this 2 more times!